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Dwell time blog by Tron Media.

What is Dwell time?

What is Dwell time? 

Dwell time is the time a person “dwells” on a web page after leaving and then coming back to a search engine results page (SERP). Now I’m done. It differs from bounce rates and duration periods because it’s possible that those visitors came from places other than a SERP. 

Since stay time hasn’t been quantifiable until recently, marketers have been missing out on potentially crucial information about how Facebook users engage with content. Simply defined, it keeps track of how long a user spends hovering over a certain object. 

Dwell Time Metrics

Facebook added A new “Dwell Time” metric, which measures the total time spent perusing a post in the Newsfeed. Users who have interacted with the content and those who have not are both included in Dwell Time. 

Truth be told, the person did show some interest in goods or services, but traditional metrics didn’t have a good means of capturing that. Facebook developed dwell time for this reason. 

Around 85% of display ad clicks come from just 8% of internet users. That indicates that almost 90% of viewers are viewing and reading the content without taking action.  

Facebook’s definition of a “clicky” user is only 10% of its total user base. The posts that e-commerce stores (or others) create are therefore unlikely to be clicked on or physically interacted with by over 10% of all Facebook active users. 

Keep it in mind. Your branded content won’t be clicked on by 90% of Facebook users. Although it might look awful, that’s not the case. 

It’s not true that the 90% of people who are interested in your products aren’t interested in reading about them or purchasing or using them. Just a different way of interacting with it. In actuality, a sizable portion of those who buy or use your products will not have clicked on your ads. 

 As a result, the question that arises is: How can you, as a business owner and Facebook advertiser, measure and utilise the enormous pool of non-clicky potential customers? If they aren’t clicking on, liking, commenting on, or sharing a post, how can you reach them? Owners of e-commerce businesses require a reliable method of getting access to the important information that 90% of users represent. 

These users showed some interest in your product, but prior Facebook metrics were unable to take that into account. 

In the past, the level of physical engagement, such as the number of clicks, comments, likes, etc. that the material received, was what determined how effective an e-commerce brand’s Facebook advertising and content was. Dwell Time is more dependable in determining whether or not a piece of content or advertising was successful in reaching its intended audience and/or providing quantifiable financial results, regardless of the volume of engagements or clicks. 


Facebook will focus more and more on Dwell Time as a crucial indicator for determining the effectiveness and reach of an advertisement since it offers a more accurate evaluation of the efficacy of advertising and content and shows the actual interest of a user. 

The scope of social media is always changing.

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