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Why Use A Digital Marketing Agency? | TRON Media

Why Use a Digital Marketing Agency?

Taking on a digital marketing agency as part of your promotional strategy may seem like a big step, but if you want to grow your business, it’s often an essential move.

The reason is that while the DIY approach may seem attractive, it’s rarely the best choice. With the plethora of digital marketing options available, including SEO, email, PPC, social media and blogging, it’s difficult to know where to start; whereas a digital marketing company, experienced in all these aspects, will be able to advise you on the best approaches.

Adobe’s 2019 Digital Trends Survey concludes that top-performing companies are twice as likely as their mainstream peers to classify themselves as digital-first.

Hiring in digital marketing services allows you to concentrate on running your business, while they build your campaign. True, you could hire an in-house team, but the time and expense of recruiting and training them would be a commitment in itself. With an external digital agency, you can just set the goals and a timeframe, and leave the heavy lifting to them.

Online marketing companies avoid the necessity for you to hire, train and manage a marketing team. In fact, hiring an online marketing agency also works out cheaper over time than building an internal team, as you avoid payroll taxes and other costs of full-time employees such as benefits, health care costs, and salaries.

A good internet marketing agency, approaching your business from the outside, may well come up with approaches and strategies you would not have considered, and moreover, a web marketing agency will already have the software and infrastructure tools you need to run your campaign, so you don’t have the expense of buying these in.

Another advantage of a top digital marketing agency is that skills such as content creation, ranging from blog writing to making videos, will be part of their existing skill set.

The main reason for using a digital marketing agency to promote your business is that you will be utilising the skills of experts in the field. In all probability, recruiting staff at this level into your own company would be expensive and time-consuming. It’s also not the best approach, as they would probably not be able to ‘hit the ground running’ without spending time researching your market.

Market research is one of the main strengths of a digital marketing company. A good digital agency will bring new ideas to the table, provide analysis of your previous marketing plans, and research consumer viewpoints to bring new perspectives to your business.

Aspects of digital marketing services such as social media will also be within the area of expertise of a digital marketing agency; for instance you may need advice on how to reach an audience in a particular territory, age-group or NRS social grade, and here is where a digital marketing agency will be able to help, as well as by establishing suitable content and platforms. Streamlining your social media campaigns in this way will clearly improve your ROI.

Once your campaign starts to take off, you may need to scale it up, and this is another area in which a digital marketing company scores – instead of having to recruit more and expand your staff and other resources, all you have to do is to revise your digital marketing services contract.

What Is a Digital Marketing Agency?

You can think of a digital marketing company as a toolbox of skills and abilities which bolts on to your existing marketing efforts. Apart from saving you money, the strategy of buying in services such as analytics, keyword research, competitor analysis, paid search management and automation from a digital agency is that they can apply the appropriate tools to each job – saving you money on premium services, the costs of which can rapidly mount if they are not carefully controlled.

The other main function of a digital marketing agency is to make the results of your campaigns measurable. There’s no point in spending money on digital marketing services if you cannot measure the results then amend your campaign to suit, and an online marketing agency will bring with it the tools necessary to determine the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and establish the real Return on Investment (ROI).

With different types of digital marketing services each featuring their own important metrics, a top digital marketing agency will be able to provide regular reports and website audits to help you to make further decisions on your marketing strategy. This will include elements such as assessments of how keywords are performing online, and how prospective customers engage with your brand and content.


How Digital Marketing Agencies Work

The function of a digital marketing company is to help you to plan a marketing strategy which uses modern technology including online and mobile, on top of traditional marketing methods such as print, broadcast and outdoor.

A digital agency helps you to navigate the many options including:

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • App Store Optimisation
  • Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, etc)
  • Mobile Apps
  • Influencer Marketing (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube etc)
  • Data analytics
  • Web design
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliate marketing

Online marketing companies can both create a campaign, and place the resulting promotions on suitable digital media outlets – increasingly, this includes mobile formats such as SMS and MMS. Creative services, account management, advertising production, and media planning and buying can all be part of the role of a digital marketing company.

Using a digital marketing agency to manage an online campaign is often an affordable option for start-ups and SME, whereas traditional media involve high initial costs. In any case, platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram allow your digital agency to reach a much wider audience than traditional marketing techniques.

Online marketing companies take advantage of the boom in consumers using websites, social media and mobile platforms such as smartphones and tablets, using their production skills and media purchasing experience to build brand awareness across multiple platforms.

A web marketing agency can in fact change the way in which companies interact with their customers entirely. The fact that these techniques provide feedback in the form of valuable customer data is another advantage of online marketing companies.

Another interesting aspect of the way in which an internet marketing agency can work is that it does not have to be local to its client; in fact, one of the main advantages of digital marketing services is that they can be anywhere in the world and can be working for your business 24 hours a day.


Benefits Of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

A Clutch survey from 2018 shows that 83 percent of businesses think their digital marketing efforts are effective in helping them achieve their goal.

You will find that a digital marketing agency will offer many benefits to your business, the main one being the ability to get a digital campaign up and going with the minimum investment of your time and money.

Digital marketing services aren’t cheap if you set up your own infrastructure from scratch, so again, the advantage of an internet marketing agency is that they will already have the premium software tools and utilities to do the job already in place.

A web marketing agency will also understand the differences between organic searches and paid searches, meaning that you aren’t wasting money paying for traffic which could have come to you through organic searches.

An online marketing agency will also help you to work out where to position your native advertising. Native advertising, often found in social media feeds or as recommended content on a web page, is designed unlike display ads or banner ads, to look like it isn’t an ad. Native ads should not be disruptive or disturb the editorial flow of the page, and a top digital marketing agency will manage this tricky job for you.

Another major benefit of hiring a digital marketing company is that it will help you to develop your company’s storytelling. While your in-house marketing team promotes your products and services, revising and improving them to attract customers, your digital agency is working to promote your brand name across multiple platforms, generate positive PR, and improve your company’s image and visibility.

By understanding your audience’s requirements and finding the right messages to appeal to them, a digital marketing company can grow your business without you having to get to grips with complexities such as programmatic native advertising, where native ads are served to specific consumers in real time and at scale.


How To Choose The Right Digital Agency For Your Business

It’s certainly true that not all online marketing companies can deliver what they promise. So here are a few tips to help you choose the right one for your company’s needs:

  • Ask for a selection of plans and packages which could accommodate your needs as your business grows. The right digital agency should be flexible and scalable, particularly if you trying to break into a new and perhaps uncertain market.
  • Don’t believe offers of instant results. Even digital marketing takes time to offer improved conversions and customer responses, so look for a company which offers realistic timescales for a return on your investment.
  • Look for a digital agency which knows your market. If They can show you proven results for other clients in your market, you’re closer to finding the right partnership.
  • Look for the online results of the company’s own websites. If they rank high on search engines, it indicates that they are good at putting their own advice into good practice.
  • Define your needs and look for a response which shows they’re on the same page as you. You don’t want to take decision making away from the agency, but their creative decisions should match your marketing ambitions.

TRON Media can help with all your digital marketing requirements. TRON Media has a highly qualified team of trained specialists in digital marketing, content marketing, web design, SEO, PPC, digital strategy and social media, and can work with you to develop your ideas and build a digital marketing strategy perfect for your business.

TRON Media is a leading Digital Marketing Agency located in Brighton, offering the easiest and most cost-effective way to help you reach your audience. Get in touch today to find out about our latest email marketing and web design services, and what a creative digital agency can do for your business.

Contact us using our Contact Form, call Lasharie in London on: 020 7870 9041 or Simon on: 020 3006 6889 or by emailing us at: [email protected].

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